Indirect Treatment Comparisons in CRSwNP - Are they all that they appear?
In research, the highest quality data comes from randomized controlled trials. Despite being the gold standard, it is not always possible to apply them due to the resources and personnel required. In such cases, indirect treatment comparisons are a valid and widely accepted option for comparing evidence or interventions from different studies. This on-demand webinar aims to shed light on this methodology applied to the field of CRSwNP.
Learning Objectives:
• To develop the concept of levels of scientific evidence
• To learn about randomized controlled trials and their limitations
• To apply ITCs in research and compare it with other options
• To receive applied notions on ITCs in CRSwNP
LECTURE 1: Research
• Levels of scientific evidence – Is all the evidence good enough?
• Randomized controlled trials – Considering the limitations
• Step by step - ITC methodology
LECTURE 2: ITC in Research
• CT vs. control or placebo – Extrapolating conclusions
• ITC vs. DTC - How to control the bias factor?
• ITC vs. meta-analysis
• The lack of head-to-head randomized clinical trials – What can be done?
• Inclusion criteria – What can be compared?
• Factors to consider to minimize the bias